The collected erotica – an illustrated celebration of human sexuality through the ages
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The collected erotica – an illustrated celebration of human sexuality through the ages

36,50 €
  • ISBN: 9781859062357
  • Depósito legal: n/a
  • Edição: 2007
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dimensões: 19x13,7x2,6 cm
  • Nº Páginas: 400
  • Tipo: Livro
  • Estado: Novo
  • Editora: Connections Book Publishing
  • Autor: A.A.V.V.
Tema: Artes Plásticas, História

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  • Descrição

This fabulous volume presents the very best examples of sexual art and literature, spanning 2,000 years and sourced from both the East and the West. The array of writers is dazzling and the scope enormous. The art features paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. The collection samples a wide range of cultures, tastes and attitudes, but the themes are always entertaining, exciting and enjoyable. After all, sex is too important to be taken seriously.


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