On the lives of lemurs. A short treatise on natural history
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On the lives of lemurs. A short treatise on natural history

15,00 €
  • ISBN: 9788875708436
  • Edição: 2020
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Tipo: Livro
  • Estado: Novo
  • Editora: Corraini Edizioni
  • Autor: Antinori, Andrea
Tema: Literatura Infantil

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Livraria Localização Estado Quantidade
Baobá Livraria Lisboa, Lisboa Disponível -+
GATAfunho Lisboa, Oeiras Disponível -+
  • Descrição

Have you ever heard a lemur sing? And did you know that in the morning they sunbathe in a position reminiscent of yoga? With a strictly invented story and many completely true facts, Andrea Antinori takes us on journey to discover the habits and quirks of one of the funniest animals on the planet. A story that begins 50 million years ago, when they left Africa on board a sperm whale and landed in Madagascar...

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