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    The Lusiads is a work of epic poetry by Portuguese writer Luís Vaz de Camões, the first Portuguese epic published in print. Probably begun in 1556 and completed in 1571, it was published in Lisbon on March 12, 1572, in the literary period of Classicism, or late Renaissance, three years after the a...

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  • 175,00

    Curiosa edição em língua japonesa da obra de Luís de Camões, Os Lusíadas. Publicada para comemoração do IV centenário da 1ª edição de Os Lusíadas....

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    Edição em castelhano da obra maior da poesia portuguesa, Os Lusíadas....

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  • 19,00

    First published in 1572, The Lusiads is one of the greatest epic poems of the Renaissance, immortalizing Portugal's voyages of discovery with an unrivalled freshness of observation. At the centre of The Lusiads is Vasco da Gama's pioneer voyage via southern Africa to India in 1497-98. The first E...

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    Livre voué aux découvertes, aux exploits et à la geste de Vasco de Gama, poème d'un voyage qui changea les relations de l'Occident et de l'Orient, première épopée européenne, si l'on entend par là un chant héroïque dans lequel l'Europe, incarnée en un petit peuple, s'assume comme médiat...

  • 29,00

    Stampato per la prima volta a Lisbona nel 1572, il poema abbraccia dalle origini tutta la storia del Portogallo e celebra le vicende di un piccolo e ardimentoso popolo che seppe ribellarsi all'invasore musulmano e costruire un nuovo impero. Al centro della narrazione sono le imprese di Vasco de Gama...

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    When his father died, J. R. Ackerley was shocked to discover that he had led a secret life. And after Ackerley himself died, he left a surprise of his own―this coolly considered, unsparingly honest account of his quest to find out the whole truth about the man who had always eluded him in life. Bu...

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    Dans le désert, la montagne, la campagne, en ville, n importe ou, il m est vital de marcher. Marcher rejoindre le désert saharien, marcher pour visiter un ami, marcher pour me rendre au travail, marcher pour les courses, marcher pour marcher, mercher, c est ainsi! Marcher. Pourquoi? Pour être lib...

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    More than a hundred stereotype maps glazed with exquisite human prejudice collected by Yanko Tsvetkov, author of the viral Mapping Stereotypes project. Peppered with hilarious essays, the atlas is a satirical encyclopedia of humankind's delusional world views, from classical antiquity and the Middle...

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    André Gide considérait ce premier roman comme le véritable chef-d'oeuvre de Stendhal. Armance a été publié en 1827 en pleine période romantique. L'intrigue se situe à l'époque de la Restauration. Octave de Malivert, jeune homme plein de talent mais taciturne aime Armance de Zohiloff, qui pa...

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    Big Daddy' Pollitt, the richest cotton planter in the Mississippi Delta, is about to celebrate his sixty-fifth birthday. His two sons have returned home for the Gooper, his wife and children, Brick, an ageing football hero who has turned to drink, and his feisty wife Maggie. As the hot summer evenin...

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