Another History of the Children’s Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India
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Another History of the Children’s Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India

42,00 €
  • ISBN: 978-93-83145-45-4
  • Edição: 2017
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dimensões: 270 × 240 mm
  • Nº Páginas: 176
  • Tipo: Livro
  • Estado: Novo
  • Editora: Tara Books
  • Autor: Geetha, V., Jankevičiūtė, Giedrė
Tema: Dicionários, Linguística e Estudos Literários

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Baobá Livraria Lisboa, Lisboa Disponível -+
  • Descrição

At a particular period in Indian history, cheaply available Soviet picture books, in English and vernacular translations, changed the way Indian children read. Meanwhile, a different and more problematic kind of cultural ‘globalization’ was underway in the regions governed by the Soviet State, and Lithuania is a rich case in point. This book calls for a re-imagining of global picture book history: a result of an unusual collaboration between Indian social historian, V. Geetha, and Dr. Giedrė Jankevičiūtė from the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute. A sumptuous and unusual archive of art has been mined to go with this history: from socialist realist art to classic examples of the Lithuanian primitive modern, many of the images in the book are featured in an English language publication for the first time.

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