Oedipus the King
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Oedipus the King

29,80 €
  • ISBN: 978-93-83145-30-0
  • Edição: 2015
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Dimensões: 279 × 216 mm
  • Nº Páginas: 28
  • Tipo: Livro
  • Estado: Novo
  • Editora: Tara Books
  • Autor: Rao, Sirish, Roy, Indrapramit, Wolf, Gita
Tema: Artes Performativas

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Baobá Livraria Lisboa, Lisboa Disponível -+
  • Descrição

Gita Wolf, Sirish Rao, Indrapramit Roy Oedipus, king of Thebes, tries to uncover the dreadful sin for which the gods are punishing his city, but his search leads him into the dark depths of his own past. When he finds that the sin is his own, he visits upon himself the punishment that will lift the curse. This sensitive retelling of Sophocles’ masterpiece is powerfully illustrated with dramatic yet poignant art, recalling aspects of classical Greek visual traditions.

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