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  • 39,90

    From a fish waiting to be born, to the beginning of art and the necessity of death, lore from the Gond tribal community in central india abounds in stories of origins, transformations and endings. Celebrated Gond artist Bhajju Shyam gathers together these tales for the first time. By linking the cos...

  • 19,80

    The first-ever compendium of the visually stunning Indian Gond artists' patterns, along with brief notes on their meaning and history....

  • 20,00

    Gita Wolf, Ianna Andréadis Standing in for our deepest fantasies and fears, the snake is as much a creature of our minds as it is of the forest and fields. Combining art and legend, this stunning hand-printed book invokes the beauty and terror of Indian snake lore: from the enigmatic snake goddess ...

  • 29,80

    Gita Wolf, Sirish Rao, Indrapramit Roy This contemporary retelling of Euripides’ The Bacchae — the last extant Greek tragedy — relates the classic myth of the god Dionysus with the playful yet dangerous lyricism of the original. Dionysus, son of Zeus and god of wine and dance, returns to his n...

  • 29,80

    Gita Wolf, Sirish Rao, Indrapramit Roy Antigone, pious, headstrong and reckless, breaks the law and defies her uncle, the king, in order to honour her slain brother. This dramatic retelling of Sophocles’ famous Greek tragedy is illustrated by art that recreates the drama of Greek theatre. This han...

  • 29,80

    Gita Wolf, Sirish Rao, Indrapramit Roy Oedipus, king of Thebes, tries to uncover the dreadful sin for which the gods are punishing his city, but his search leads him into the dark depths of his own past. When he finds that the sin is his own, he visits upon himself the punishment that will lift the ...

  • 28,00

    Waterlife features Mithila art, a vibrant and delicate form of painting from Bihar in eastern India. In this visually stunning book that renders images of water and the life it contains, artist Rambharos Jha creates an unusual artist’s journal, where aquatic motifs of the Mithila style are transfo...

  • 16,00

    Nonni e nipoti fanno spesso coppia perché hanno diverse cose in comune che li tengono assieme. Hanno dei parenti in comune e nascono nello stesso istante: con l’arrivo di un figlio o di una figlia quello che prima era solo un padre, diventa all’improvviso anche un nonno e quello che era solo un...

  • 20,00

    Il cibo nutre il corpo e la mente del bambino. È scienza, storia, natura, fonte di esperienze tattili e relazioni umane. È materiale della vita quotidiana: punto di partenza da ciò che è noto a ciò che è ignoto. Parallelamente, il cibo usato come materiale educativo nutre la competenza p...

  • 18,40

    Guilherme Petreca es una de las principales revelaciones de la nueva narrativa gráfica brasileña. Dibujante y director de arte para proyectos de animación, recibió el prestigioso Premio HQ Mix al Mejor Artista en 2017 por su trabajo en "Ye". "Ye" es una historia llena de aventuras y magia de ...

  • 18,00

    "Zenobia" narra el viaje de Amina, una niña siria que huye de la guerra. Amina se embarca, junto con otros refugiados, en una patera para alcanzar la costa de un país en paz. Pero el mar es grande y peligroso, y mientras Amina se hunde en la profundidad de las aguas revive momentos de su vida, jun...

  • 22,42

    Esta novela gráfica visualmente deslumbrante en dos tonos de colores ofrece a los lectores una doble narración. El surfista e ilustrador AJ Dungo reflexiona sobre el amor, la pérdida y la soledad. El autor narra la intensa relación con su pareja Kristin: las emociones de sus primeros encuentros ...

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